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With you, contigo, every step of the way

  • We pay cash for houses as they are - No auctions, yard signs, or repairs needed

  • We help you do what's best for you and your situation

  • We problem solve so that you can close fast


About Us

San Jose Proud
I was born and raise in San Jose and am bilingual. I'm committed to our community and the people in it to be successful.

We Buy Fixer-Uppers
We invest in real estate, but we are not realtors.  We buy "fixer-uppers," and invest in them to create beautiful, affordable homes. 

We Create Win- Wins

We invest in real estate, but we are not realtors.  We buy home that need repairs and invest in them to create beautiful, affordable homes in our area. 

How it Works

  1. You call us to discuss or invite us to take a look at the property.

  2. We do our homework on the house and estimate any repairs we would need to do.

  3. We make you an offer on your home.

  4. With your acceptance of our offer, we close within 2 weeks if needed.


Campbell, CA, USA


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